Monday, August 18, 2014

Underground Terrapin Races, Blackmarket Crochet, and Breaking into Strangers' Homes To Straighten Their Blinds

If you are in the know, this title is perfect for a story about friendship and unconditional love. Just trust me on this...

     There are few joys in this world like feeling completely loved and accepted for just being yourself. Yes, I have that with my Birdies. And I have been blessed with many friends over the years (especially through Facebook) that continue to share the love and good vibes through all of life's crazy twists and turns. But these feelings have been brought home in new ways this summer by two amazing ladies I am humbled to have in my life...

     The first would be Splintered Sunlight. The best friend I could hope to ask for. Despite the trials and tribulations of her own life she had stood faithful for over 12 years. Tried to be supportive and encouraging in the darkest of times. Given advice. Stood in defense. Let me cry, vent, cuss like a bloody sailor. But thank Jah she's cheered me up, shared more than a few beers, and danced beside me at more than a few shows. Opened her already crowded home so we could relax and enjoy life. Most importantly she has spoken life into my weary soul when it has needed it most. Reminded me of who I am and loves hanging out with Me in the best and worst of times. Thanks Splintered! You kick @$$! 

     Then there's White Owl. You know how you meet people and it isn't long before you feel like you've known them forever? You just click! That's her! New friends are a totally different blessing. One is silver (or white) and the other is gold (sunlight), they say. White Owl lets me be me. To ramble on about The Dead, The Doctor, the Birdies. It's all new and fresh to her, bringing new joy and life to me. New perspective. When I've struggled or been in a poor mood, she's been kind and gracious.  She makes me laugh out loud, very rare for me. Her adventurous spirit births hope for the future and reminds me that this life has so much to offer. Beautiful, fun, crazy, silly,! White Owl you are amazing! Thank you for joining this long, strange trip! 

     So obviously, I am eternally Grateful to both of these women! These words could never do justice to how important you are to me! Thank you both for helping me rediscover myself!

   As for the title...I left out shark attacks and othet illicit shenanigans...

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